Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chapter 3-Celebrating Presentations

In order to develop a successful and powerful PowerPoint presentation there is a certain set of skills the presenter must posses.  I have learned that it is necessary for the presenter to be confident and have great communication skills to attain the audience’s attention for effective delivery of the message or lesson.  It has been my experience in the past to notice my audience become distracted or start yawning.  At this point I bring my audience back in to focus by maybe changing my tone of voice or throwing in a yes or no response to allow the audience to participate.

In reading chapter three in Lynell Burmark (2011), “They Snooze You Lose”, I found Steve Jobs , list of ten tips to creating a presentation valuable (pg. 48).  I especially found number six on the list, “change it up”, meaningful because it emphasizes to allow the audience to participate or “shift to different media” (Burmark, 2011, pg. 49).  The list will assist and benefit me in conducting a self-assessment to establish the areas I may need improvement in.  As an educator it is important to administer self-assessments not only in the learning content but in the delivery of the instruction to gain perspective and enhance the delivery of the instruction to achieve learning.

Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The Educator´s Guide to Successful Presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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